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09 March 2006


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The concept of supernatural revelation has been criticized by atheists, agnostics and deists. In his 18th-century book The Age of Reason, Thomas Paine summarized these criticisms and advocated reason in the place of revelation, leading him to reject miracles. Paine wrote that a revelation can only be considered valid for the original recipient.

Todd Peppers

Some good thoughts with which to conclude the discussion. I, too, do not distinguish between journalists and social scientists for purposes of studying the elusive law clerk. Both are equally capable of good, solid, responsible research. The only critical difference between the two profesions - social scientific research is theory-driven and usually more quantitative, but this doesn't mean that a social scientist can't be guilty of fudging findings, depending on questionable sources, or passing along gossip. Or having fantasies of becoming degradingly rich from book sales!

In fact, one might make the argument that justices and law clerks should be less nervous about speaking with journalists given the fact that journalists have a well developed code of professional conduct, which includes a commitment to the protection of confidential sources.

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