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12 April 2006


Jason Czarnezki

Alfred Brophy at Propery Profs states that I'm a strong supporter of the Hylton rankings, but I don't have a horse in this race. I'm just the announcer. While I posted the Hylton rankings on the ELS Blog, I can't say that I'm "positive on them" as Brophy states. Now this doesn't mean that I'm negative on them either, but they do exclude very important information as Andrew Morriss points out. To me, the two biggest variables excluded in the Hylton Rankings are job placement and faculty scholarship. Also, is LSAT score a good measure of student views about the quality of the law school? Though, like Andrew, I am happy to see the Hylton Rankings because "the law school world would be better if it looked more like the business school world on rankings, where competing sources of rankings exist." Perhaps someone should create a BCS-type ranking system that incorporates a number of rankings together.

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