Our guest blogger this week is Stefanie Lindquist (Vanderbilt). (Her CV is available here.) Her publications include:
Judging on a Collegial Court: Influences on Appellate Court Decision Making. With Virginia Hettinger, Wendy Martinek. University of Virginia Press, forthcoming 2006. Click here for publisher's abstract.
“The Influence of Jurisprudential Considerations on Supreme Court Decision Making: A Study of Conflict Cases,” Law and Society Review, 40(1):135-162 (with David Klein).
"Comparing Attitudinal and Strategic Accounts of Dissenting Behavior on the United States Courts of Appeals." 2004. American Journal of Political Science 48(1):123-137 (with Virginia Hettinger and Wendy Martinek).
"Separate Opinion Writing on the United States Courts of Appeals," 2003. American Politics Research, 31(3):215-250 (with Virginia Hettinger and Wendy Martinek).
this woman totally has it going on and is one of the premier minds in socio-political jurisprudence....listen to her madness
Posted by: lawrence p | 07 February 2007 at 10:12 PM