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02 June 2006


William Ford

Ethan Leib (Hastings) has posted a lengthy response to Mark Graber's post at PrawfsBlawg. Here is the link:


Mark A. Graber

I actually agree with Howard more than I disagree (least surprising news of 2006). I am generally pleased with the respect for diversity within the public law field. There will always be those who say "I don't read anything with statistics in it" or "you won't get a job unless you do statistics," but they seem to be diminishing. One sign of this was the remarkable agreement (for the most part) on what I thought were diverse committees over various public law awards this year, and the diverse group of scholars who earned those awards. Kudos to those who served and those who won.

On the other hand, I'm more depressed about the state of departments as young scholar after young scholar complains to me about being isolated, about other faculty refusing to advise public law students who do not do statistics, about articles in Law and Society and journals of that ilk not being considered as worthy more merit raises, etc. Put more broadly, as the field has gotten more interesting, my sense is that jobs have gotten fewer. But this may just be my two cents from a particular perspective, and blogging means never having to footnote!

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