My copy of The Stata News just arrived. The Stata News is "a quarterly publication containing announcements of new releases and updates, NetCourse schedules, new books, user meetings, new products, and other announcements of interest to Stata users." There is no charge for receiving the Stata News, so I recommend that you request that the publication be mailed to you by clicking here. Two new books mentioned in the new issue may be of interest:
New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis by Helmut Lütkepohl & Common Errors in Statistics (2d Edition) by Philip I. Good and James W. Hardin.
Also, there's a recently added feature to Stata: "New command xtset simplifies the declaration of panel data, just like tsset and stset for time-series and survival time datasets." Remember to type "update all" for these free updates for Stata 9 users.