If you scroll down the typelists on the right of this blog, you'll notice that I've added a new list entitled "Databases" (between "Conferences" and "Recent Posts"). This list provides links to a number of useful data sources such as the Songer U.S. Court of Appeals database, the Spaeth Supreme Court database, and Keith Poole's common space scores. I hope our readers find this useful. I'm now taking requests to add more online databases to the list. Comments are open.
I'll second the comments. Thank you adding what looks like an excellent collection of links.
Posted by: Jerry Stephens | 30 August 2006 at 07:04 AM
Some additional resources:
Bureau of Justice Statistics
National Center for State Courts: court statistics project
St. Louis Circuit Court Historical Records
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, On-line court records
Attributes of United States Appeals Court Judges, 1801-1994
Lower Federal Court Confirmation Database, 1977-2004
State Supreme Court Database
Supreme Court Ideal Point Research (by Andrew Martin and Kevin Quinn)
Supreme Court Justices' Papers:
Library of Congress collections description
Blackmun papers website (Library of Congress)
Blackmun papers archive (currently in prototype) (Lee Epstein and Harold Spaeth)
"Teddy": State and federal statistics query engine (sponsored by Ted Eisenberg and Kevin Clermont, Cornell Law School)
Federal; State trials; State cases
Washington University Supreme Court Forecasting Project
Links to all of these, plus a large index of online and print resources on American trial trends (including several otherwise unavailable datasets), are posted at my homepage (http://schlanger.wustl.edu). You're obviously welcome to harvest the links for any that you think would be of more general interest.
Posted by: Margo Schlanger | 29 August 2006 at 10:50 PM
Jason, this is nice addition to the site. Thanks for tracking down all those links. bh.
Posted by: William Henderson | 29 August 2006 at 02:11 PM