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17 September 2006


after bypass surgery

I often hear or read something like this, "the point of Sander's article was to prove that without affirmative action we would have a higher total number of new African-American lawyers each year, but that has been disproven."

Richard Sander

Thanks to Attorney-at-Law for the above comment. I have posted a summary of my claims and identified which ones are controversial, and why, at http://www.law.ucla.edu/sander/Systemic/summary.htm

attorney at law

You mention a few things that your article asserts and you discuss the degree to which those claimss are disputed.

I often hear or read something like this, "the point of Sander's article was to prove that without affirmative action we would have a higher total number of new African-American lawyers each year, but that has been disproven."

Would it be possible to list the various claims in your article? In my view, there were several, but, again, sometimes I hear that your article made only one claim. Then for each claim, state whether you think it's widely disputed or generally conceded. I apologize if you've already done that elsewhere and I've missed it. If so, perhaps you could post the cite.

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