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23 March 2007


Hayden	J.

In philosophy, empiricism is a theory of knowledge which asserts that knowledge arises from experience. Empirical data is essential because it is the first hand and actual situation experienced by those factors concerning the specific problem. Say, Newspapers are taking hard hits in this recession. Thorough studies must be conducted to solve the problem. Newspapers have been suffering a loss of readership, as more and more people move towards reading online editions instead of the time honored format. Currently, there are 4 newspapers that are seemingly doomed for extinction, according to the Wall Street Journal. The Philadelphia Daily News, Miami Herald, Detroit News, and Minneapolis Star Tribune are all in dire straits; 2 of them have already filed for bankruptcy. The Seattle Post Intelligencer has moved to an online edition, as no amount of payday loans could save them. The idea of people starting their day with coffee and crisp newspapers may be a thing of the past.

Bob Rasmussen

A quick note for anyone interested in the exchange between me and Elizabeth and Jay. Rather than writing a response to Elizabeth and Jay's reply (three papers on this point seemed to me to be enough), I inserted responses in the soon-to-be-published version of the piece which show that the arguments in Elizabeth and Jay's response fail for basically the same reasons as did the arguments in their original piece. The data they produce simply cannot carry the weight they put on it. These responses are not in the electronic version of the piece currently posted on SSRN, but if anyone is interested in looking at them, if you send me an email I will send you a reprint once they are available.

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