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27 April 2007




Joe Doherty

The model for ELS can be found in the relatively new subfields of (other) social sciences: Economics (econometrics), Political Science (political methodology), Psychology (psychometrics), etc. In each of those fields you will find a distinctive set of tools that are (a) freely borrowed from elsewhere and (b) understood within the discipline as useful for answering their questions. Changes in the toolbox generally follow the trends in theoretical scholarship, and at the extremes it appears that each field uses a different statistical model to answer the same question.

I think ELS is still in the borrowing phase (a). We're still agreeing upon the best methods for measuring and analyzing our problems, which is why it looks interdisciplinary. In time we'll move to (b). At that time I expect that ELS will be a well-recognized subfield within law schools, alongside bankruptcy and civil procedure.

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