Second Annual Conference
on Empirical Legal Studies
New York
University Law School
9-10 November
Second Announcement &
Call for Papers
Submission Deadline July 1,
The Second Annual Conference on Empirical Legal
Studies will be held at New York University School of Law in New York. The
conference will feature original empirical and experimental legal scholarship by
leading scholars from a diverse range of fields.
Last year’s conference had approximately 230
participants and more than 85 presented papers. We expect that this year’s
conference will be at least as large.
The conference will start at 9:00 a.m. on
Friday November 9, 2007. Paper presentations will conclude at 1:15 p.m. on
Saturday November 10 in order to allow participants to return home that
afternoon. For those staying on, there will be two methodology discussion
sessions (one introductory and one advanced) from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. and a
reception from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday.
The deadline for submission of papers is July
1, 2007. Details about submissions are included below.
There is a conference fee of $60 ($30 for
students). This fee covers all activities including meals and refreshments. It
also covers a one-year membership in the Society for Empirical Legal Studies
(SELS) as well as a one-year subscription to the Journal of Empirical Legal
Studies (JELS) (students paying the discounted fee will receive only the on-line
version). Given the size of the conference, we cannot reimburse expenses
(except for some presenters with special needs, as discussed below).
Scholars whose papers are accepted for
presentation at the conference will be invited (but not required) to submit the
work for possible publication in JELS. In addition, the JELS editors expect to
publish abstracts of all presented papers (including poster session papers) in
the special issue (with author consent).
Paper Submission Instructions
To submit a paper for consideration for the
Conference, please go to:
If you are not a registered SSRN user, you will
need to create a login to SSRN. Please follow the submission instructions on
this page.
If you have problems submitting through this
on-line system, please contact User Support at 877-SSRNHELP (toll free
877-777-6435 or [email protected], outside of the US
call 00+1+585+4428170.
Please submit a paper, including an abstract,
and specify the topic(s) for which you are submitting the paper (limit two
topics). You MUST specify at least one topic for your submission to be
complete. There is no specific form for submitted papers.
One author can submit more than one paper, but
one person can present only one paper. If you are an author of more than one
submitted paper, please email [email protected] and [email protected] and indicate who
would present which paper if more than one is accepted. All papers will be
To be eligible for submission, the paper must
still be at a revisable stage (neither published nor so close to publication
that significant changes are not feasible) by the date of the conference.
We expect to notify authors about acceptances
by approximately August 15, 2007. The number of accepted papers and the panel
subjects will depend on the number, quality, and subject areas of the submitted
papers. Papers will be accepted in two categories: for presentation in panels
and for the poster session.
You are welcome to register for and attend the
conference whether or not you submit a paper and whether or not your paper is
On-line registration is available on the
conference Web Site:
Society for Empirical Legal
The conference is an annual event of the
Society for Empirical Legal Studies (SELS). Payment of the registration fee
automatically entitles the registrant to a one-year membership in SELS and a
subscription to JELS.
Reimbursement for
Funding for this conference is limited, and
much of it will pay for meals and other expenses. Therefore as a general matter
we cannot reimburse expenses.
However, we currently expect to be able to
offer financial support to out-of-town paper presenters who inform us that they
have attempted without success to obtain funding from their home
institutions. For such paper presenters we anticipate being able to reimburse
for expenses (not otherwise reimbursed), up to the following: (a) $1,000 for
participants from countries other than the U.S. and Canada; (b) $800 for
participants from more than 300 miles from New York; and (c) $500 for
participants from less than 300 miles from New York. Presenters must attend the
entire conference to receive reimbursement and must request reimbursement by
October 9, 2007 and confirm that they are unable to obtain
reimbursement from other sources.
Conference organizers:
The conference is jointly organized by Cornell
Law School, NYU School of Law and the University of Texas School of Law. The
2008 Conference will be held at Cornell Law School, respectively. The conference
organizers are: Jennifer Arlen (NYU), Bernard Black (Texas), Theodore Eisenberg
(Cornell), Michael Heise (Cornell) and Geoffrey Miller (NYU).
For more information:
General inquiries concerning the 2007
Conference should be sent to:
Jennifer Arlen or Geoffrey
New York University Law
Logistical inquiries should be directed
Jerome Miller
212 992 8821