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06 July 2007


genric valtrex

hello friend excellent post Here is a recent entry I wrote on the WSJ blog to help people understand how the crushing debt and poor job prospects of tier 2 law students can affect a person:

I used to have so much fun on the fourth of July, before tier 2 misery destroyed my spirit.

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Loyola 2L

I'm glad the ABA is finally stepping up to regulate the flow of lawyers into an already glutted market. Although tier 2 professors earning large six figure salaries may benefit by over accreditation, students like me suffer.

Here is a recent entry I wrote on the WSJ blog to help people understand how the crushing debt and poor job prospects of tier 2 law students can affect a person:

I used to have so much fun on the fourth of July, before tier 2 misery destroyed my spirit.

Before law school, the fourth was a day of celebration. I would look at my opportunities and rejoice in the wonder which is this country. Where else could someone from an inexpensive state university make $50,000 a year? Life was good. I had my own apartment, a car, a refrigerator full of groceries, health insurance and could afford to sock a little away each month. Maybe I wasn’t a Goldman trader, or a movie star, but it was as close to the American dream as one could get.

Then came the day I enrolled in Loyola Law School. Why? Why did I do it? Why did I let the siren’s song of a “prestigous law degree” ruin my life? Why did I believe people when they said a Loyola degree is a certain ticket to a high paying job? Why did I pay $36,000 a year to enter a fool’s game - one where only 10% are allowed to win, and the winners are chosen by the whims of capricious old men? Sigh. These are the questions which now haunt my life, as I work for $15/hour in a legal sweatshop. I used to have a future. I used to be enthused with the goodness and opportunity which is America. Now I’m enthused with regret and a feeling that I’ve been ripped off. Now all I have to look forward to is the same $50,000 job, but this time under the stranglehold of massive Sallie Mae debt.

My only hope is the Loyola job board. I check it every day. Why I don’t know. I feel like a castaway on a desert Island, who gets up every morning to look for a rescue ship. Of course there is no rescue ship, and the only jobs available to non top 10%ers like me are:

Employer Name: xxx
Contact Name: xxx
Address: xxx Wilshire Boulevard
City: Los Angeles, CA 90025
Telephone: 310-xxx
Facsimile: No Fax Specified
E-Mail: xxx
Description: HOURS: Part/Full time (25-40 hrs. per week) DURATION: Permanent. SALARY: $12-$17/hour JOB DESCRIPTION: Law firm is seeking an experienced person, preferably someone with a solid background dealing with computers and computer programs such as PowerPoint, Microsoft Word/Excel, Lexus Nexus, Sanction Software, and scanning. Medical knowledge/experience a plus but not required. Applicant should have a 30 minute or less commute to Brentwood. Position will handle general office and litigation support, factual and/or legal research, organization and filing, follow up on document requests. EMPLOYER PRACTICE/DESCRIPTION: Plaintiff’s contingency fee tort. FIRM SIZE: Attorney and secretary. HOW TO APPLY: Submit resume and cover letter via email to xxx
Date Entered: 06/29/07

Then again at least I have plaintiff’s firms to offer *something.* Without them I couldn’t work in law.


One interesting side issue, how would the ABA treat the two Wisconsin law schools (Marquette and UW) whose graduates that remain in WI are not required to take the state bar?

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