Jason and I haven't had a chance to coordinate on this, so rather than trying to speak for both of us, I'll offer my thoughts and he can chime in with his own if he is so inclined.
First, I'd like to thank everyone for their thoughtful comments and critiques of our paper. You've given us a lot to think about and the next draft of the paper will be substantially better because of your input.
Second, there's been a lot of talk over the last two days about ways in which our data might be refined and improved. There is clearly a great deal of useful work that could be done in this area and I hope that our study will just be the beginning of a more well-informed discussion of the student-edited law review and how it fits into the overall schema of legal scholarship. I, for one, would be particularly interested to seem some empirical data, expanding on Christine's "armchair empiricism," that examines what law reviews actually publish. Somewhere between what editors say they consider and what they actually publish lies the truth about how these decisions get made.
Finally, I want to thank Bill Henderson for seeking us out and organizing this forum. It is, of course, always nice to have someone come from out of the blue and express interest in your work. But the forum has also been useful for us and, I hope, for everyone else as well.
i like this part of the post:"Finally, I want to thank Bill Henderson for seeking us out and organizing this forum. It is, of course, always nice to have someone come from out of the blue and express interest in your work. But the forum has also been useful for us and, I hope, for everyone else as well." is very good
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Posted by: raivo pommer -eesti. | 09 April 2009 at 03:10 PM
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NORDBANK-drei million euro
Demnach hatte die Bank im Vorgriff auf die ursprünglich geplanten Ausschüttungen in Höhe von 64 und 200 Millionen Euro zum Zeitpunkt von Wiegards Angaben bereits gut acht Millionen ausgezahlt.
Der Minister habe sich auf Auskünfte der Bank verlassen müssen, weil es sich um rein operatives Geschäft handele, sagte der Sprecher. Das Ministerium überwache nicht den Zahlungsverkehr der Bank. Es habe sie nun aber aufgefordert, die Vorgänge zu erklären.
Die HSH Nordbank hatte im März angekündigt, aus EU-rechtlichen Gründen auf die Ausschüttung zu verzichten. Die ausgezahlten Summen würden daher zurückgefordert, heißt es in der Antwort auf die Kleine Anfrage des Hamburger Abgeordneten Stefan Schmitt (SPD).
Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein helfen ihrer gemeinsamen Landesbank mit einer Kapitalspritze in Höhe von drei Milliarden Euro sowie Garantien über weitere zehn Milliarden Euro aus der Klemme. Die Parlamente beider Länder hatten dem Rettungsplan in der vergangenen Woche zugestimmt.
Posted by: raivo pommer -eesti. | 09 April 2009 at 04:39 AM
Vorstand Ulrich Tödtmann
sieht Foris für 2009 dennoch gut aufgestellt. "Gerade wegen der Finanzkrise mit enger werdenden finanziellen Spielräumen brauchen Kläger einen starken Partner für ihre Prozessfinanzierung." In diesem Segment wuchs der Umsatz 2008 um 7,3 Prozent von 3,03 auf 3,25 Millionen Euro.
Neben der Prozessfinanzierung bietet Foris Kapitalgesellschaften wie GmbH, britische Limited oder Europäische Aktiengesellschaft (SE) an. "Die Krise wird in letzter Konsequenz einen neuen Gründerboom auslösen", ist Tödtmann überzeugt. "Für uns als Anbieter von Vorratsgesellschaften und Limiteds dürften sich dadurch Chancen ergeben."
2008 sank der Umsatz von Foris um knapp elf Prozent auf 25,83 Millionen Euro. Den größten Umsatzanteil erzielten die beiden Geschäftsbereiche Verkauf von Vorratsgesellschaften sowie die Gründung von Limiteds durch die Tochtergesellschaft Go Ahead. Der Jahresüberschuss sank ebenfalls um elf Prozent von 2,48 Millionen auf 2,22 Millionen Euro.
Posted by: raivo pommer -eesti. | 01 April 2009 at 10:50 AM
add more plants and put out food for them
Posted by: jason kenny | 16 January 2009 at 12:37 PM
"Somewhere between what editors say they consider and what they actually publish lies the truth about how these decisions get made.
I was an Articles Editor for a top 40 review. We selected 15 articles from 1500 submissions in 8 weeks. In competition with 100 other journals doing the exact same thing. We were brilliant people, but our attempts to add reasoning and order to the process were subsumed in the flood of content. By the end, only a few of us still cared at all about what we were publishing. We felt like cogs in a hierarchy enforcing machine. No author who got an offer from a higher ranked school went with us. Even our own faculty and professors we engaged in long courtships with shunned us for 2 or 3 spots in USNews rankings.
If you want more intelligent selection and editing then you have to have more intelligent submissions. As long as you are willing to spam journals hoping one or two will stick, your material will by necessity be judged via imperfect proxies. As long as you treat editors as the sum of their ranking, they will rank-order you. The problem is, classic collective action dilemma. While everyone else is spamming you can only hurt yourself by attempting to dialogue. While everyone else is hierarchy enforcing you can only suffer by refusing to be elitist.
I think the whole placement process is absurd, but not because I believe law students are incapable of doing it right. The irony is that simple volume has drowned out rationality, and instead of sitting down listening to the actual pressures Articles Editors face, the legal community sends a multiple choice survey asking us if we consider A) politics, B)prestige, or C) content.
At best you can empirically uncover the bad proxy shortcuts that editors use to get by under impossible demands. But this study doesn't say anything about what would be possible if professors stopped putting rank placement uber alles and blaming students for their participation in the hierarchy.
Posted by: Corey | 08 October 2007 at 12:00 PM
Law reviews publish very little on stock options and the scam strategy behind what goes on with the rigging of these. But, then, too, they also spend practically no time at all on any aspect of "legal" crime.
Posted by: Jack Payne | 07 October 2007 at 04:23 PM