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17 August 2007


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But it is still impressive that the YLJ is roughly equivalent in drawing power to a law review written entirely by foreign nation supreme court justices.

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hello buddy excellent post about Ranking of Law Journals by "Drawing Power" thanks for sharing!!


But without the speciality journals in the rankings, how does it follow that adding new speciality journals to a school's repetoire will lower the prestige of the contributors? I imagine that a number of speciality journals would be high in those rankings...

Sarah L.

I don't think the score reflects notes. The original article, at n.6, says, "In focusing on lead articles only, we deliberately ignored the following: colloquies, comments, dedications, essays, forewords, memorials, notes, replies, responses, speeches, surveys, symposia, and tributes." And the new article says, "As explained in the earlier article, the score for each law review is calculated by adding up the points assigned to each author of an eligible lead article published in the applicable time period and then dividing by the total number of authors." But it is still impressive that the YLJ is roughly equivalent in drawing power to a law review written entirely by foreign nation supreme court justices.

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