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07 August 2007


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I'm agree with the suggestions of both of my colleagues above. I agree with Sarah that taking an online course would be most valuable.

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very interesting article about Stats Training Suggestions thanks for sharing!!

David Stras

I agree with the suggestions of both of my colleagues above. I agree with Sarah that taking an online course would be most valuable. With scholarship and teaching demands, Chris, you are correct that it is often difficult to take significant time off to take a course. I would also suggest moving the courses regionally if you don't already--that is, rotate the courses around the country to try and get folks from various regions to attend.

Sara Benesh

Could ICPSR ever offer online courses? I'd take one!

Michael Heise

My three preferences (or, rather, pet peeves) include:

1. Such a mini-course should be extremely narrow and focused topically;

2. Software-program specific (that is, pre-announce whether the course will use Stata, SPSS, SAS, etc.); and

3. Emphasize providing actual code for specific tasks and techniques (that is, more "applied" than theoretical in approach).

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