Passing this along from Will Lowe (Nottingham):
The Human Rights Law Centre and the Methods and Data Institute at the University of Nottingham, UK announce a multi-disciplinary conference, "The International Criminal Court and the State." The conference will take place on Friday 9th November, 2007 in the University's Senate Chamber.
The conference brings together experts from the fields of law, politics and international relations as well as practitioners from the Court itself, civil society, states and the International Criminal Court Legal Tools Partners.
The keynote address will be given by Sir Adrian Fulford, a judge at the International Criminal Court. Other speakers include Morten Bergsmo, (PRIO, and former Senior legal Advisor and Chief of Legal Advisory Service, ICC Office of the Prosecutor), William Wiley, (International Law Advisor to the Iraqi High Tribunal), and Diego Cango-Fano (Council Secretariat of the EU).
As one of the four partners of the International Criminal Court Legal Tools Project, the Human Rights Law Centre and the Methods and Data Institute are developing a database of national implementing legislation. The conference will set in context our work with the Court, and the other partners, focusing on issues of implementation and the impact of new technologies in the Legal Tools Project on the study and practice of international criminal justice.
For more details, see the conference website:
or send an email to [email protected]
ELSers in the U.K. and its environs should check it out.