The Inter-University Consortium on Social and Political Research (ICPSR) has just launched a new data initiative with an international focus. From the ICPSR website:
ICPSR is pleased to announce the launch of the International Data Resource Center (IDRC) Web site. The IDRC serves as a central entry point into ICPSR's international data holdings. Dr. Denise DeGarmo, Associate Professor of Political Science at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, developd the site while in residence at ICPSR as an ICPSR Official Representative Sabbatical Fellow.
International data available through the IDRC includes conflict data, economic data, data on electoral systems and political behavior, environmental data, health data, data pertaining to the human dimension of international relations, public opinion data, and data on international organizations. Searches for international data can be conducted using several different methods, including subject searches, series data searches, or the IDRC's interactive map interface.
The IDRC website is very attractive and easy to navigate. It also includes access to several foundational datasets.