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07 December 2007


Term Paper

Very good post. I have been searching for this post since many days. Now I have implemented the same for my site.


I wish I shared your optimism but I think this institution has been around too long to be unentrenched by market forces. I can see one or two small innovative schools establishing a niche for themselves, but even if they do the dominance of Hahvahd and Yale are not threatened. Either of those schools could flat out buy any other school. Creating new-model niche schools is a worthy project, but no one should expect it to snowball into sweeping national reform.

Professors are too well protected from market forces by tenure and more importantly by the reputational value of their ivy degrees. I think the academic community knows deep down that all the professors come from the ivies because all the professors come from the ivies. Large groups do not act together against their own self-preservation interest without an ideological motivator.

So once again I am forced to conclude that ideological agitation is as necessary as data driven reforms. Even data like the Carnegie Report has no inherent power to make institutions act. At best we can submit it for "their" consideration.

So I'm working on my progressive reform rhetoric, directed toward mass media outlets, how about you? :)

Supremacy Claus

Some things went unstated in the Summary. These may not be spoken out loud, without expulsion.

The education must have the structure and methods of indoctrination ("thinking like a lawyer"). It is impossible to become a lawyer otherwise. Why?

The education must blind very intelligent people to the supernatural nature of the core doctrines, future forecasting, mind reading, the standards of conduct of a mandatorily fictional character. Finally, the central word of the law, reasonable, in accordance with the New Testament, an unlawful meaning in our secular nation.

The student must learn to fear and obey a hierarchy. The latter makes 99% of the policy decisions of the three branches of government. When entitled students question this approach, the false reply returns, it's to give you the courage to advocate in a court.

The student must be overwhelmed with massive numbers of rules, difficult issue spotting, as in a puzzle. This busy work has no empirical validation. Still, it prevents the student from noticing this little problem. Every self-stated goal of every law subject is in utter failure. Were students to ever realize that, the authority of the hierarchy would diminish.

School bullies the student into lawyer discipline, from day one. The student may not even express a drunken opinion about any legal matter at a party without fear of being reported and punished. The student does not learn, lawyer discipline ignores all Rules of Conduct, but four. These further hierarchical interests.

What is at stake for the hierarchy? They run half the economy by their control of government. They have a highly successful rent seeking business, bringing in $tril yearly, making it the wealthiest and most successful syndicate in history.

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