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22 February 2008


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I really enjoyed this article. You have very good blog with good quality recordings. Thanks for the article.


Most important, though, is the fact that, particularly when it comes to data analysis, a picture really is worth a thousand (or more) words.

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Most important, though, is the fact that, particularly when it comes to data analysis, a picture really is worth a thousand (or more) words.

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You can view and pre-select your favorite machine gun from our vast collection of fully automatic weapons by visiting our web site gun photo gallery. Our expanding collection of over 80 automatic weapons includes the same type of famous weapons used by our military, the special forces of various countries, 1920's gangsters, our allies and our enemies. A few of the weapons you can shoot are the Israeli Uzi, Russian AK-47, Tommy Gun Al Capone’s “Chicago Typewriter”, WW II-era 30 Cal Model 1919, American “Grease Gun”, and our favorite the famous Browning M2 .50 Cal “Ma Duce”

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Hi great article!!!!The term "gun" has also taken on a more generic meaning, by which it has come to refer to any one of a number of trigger-initiated, hand-held, and hand-directed implements, especially with an extending bore, which thereby resemble the class of weapon in either form or concept. Examples of this usage include staple gun, nail gun, glue gun, grease gun. Occasionally, this tendency is ironically reversed, such as the case of the American M3 submachine gun which carries the nickname "Grease Gun".

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"I'll keep my guns, freedom and money, and you can keep your 'change'"

Anyone agree that it's this kind of mentality that makes the rest of the world label Americans badly? Is this where the term "Ugly Americans" came from?

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Tracy Lightcap

Looks like they were a little stingy on the transforms. Transparency (1/X) and prosperity (log X) could both use a little extra. And why the natural log for their firearms indicator? That's notoriously difficult to interpret and it looks like it may have skewed the indicator anyway.

And that proves your point: look at the pictures and look at them comparatively.

As an aside, I have to say that this looks like predicting the stock market from sunspots to me. What is the theory, anyhow? That more gun ownership promotes political efficacy? That a population in arms makes governments think twice? Riiiiight. I guess I'll have to read the paper. One of these days.


This is the best thing I have ever seen! http://www.spymac.com/details/?2347210

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