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31 October 2008



I additionally followed a few simple principles, which I will abide to follow


I believe that this blog is one of the most innovative regarding the use of Personae though I hope that those new to the concept move beyond the labels to get more value.

In my experience Persona behaviour can span a web site and incorporated some or most of behaviours that you list, including Buyer Persona, Stakeholder Persona, etc...

The catagories you list are extremely important for those new to Personae and allow them to grasp the core values that they unlock. Once they get to this point I would suggest that you might want to consider that any individual can pick up and remove Persona masks at will and that one person can move from Persona to Persona at will according to their objectives and their measures of success.

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I am not sure we should generalize much from your case when it comes to blogging. First, you blogged almost exclusively on areas related to your scholarly interests and skills. Second, your blog postings revealed you to be intelligent and interesting, which distinguishes you from the vast majority of legal academics who blog.

Bill Henderson

Thank you all for your kind comments. I am flattered. Bill H.

Jeremy Noel

Congratulations. It's an honor you've definitely earned, and I know; I took your corporations class a few years ago. You're a great professor and IU students are lucky to have you.

Rebecca Tushnet

Congratulations. Your description of the role of blogging for an untenured professor is very similar to mine, though you are much braver than I am in sharing your statement.

Ann Bartow

Congrats, well deserved and no doubt a huge relief.

Eric Goldman

Congratulations, Bill. This is terrific and well-deserved news. I might add that in your case, blogging may have been an asset. It's been a terrific way to increase your exposure and disseminate your ideas. Keep up the terrific work. Eric.

Nancy Rapoport

Delighted to hear the news, Bill--mazel tov!

dave hoffman

Congratulations Bill! A well-deserved recognition of your work.

Christine Hurt

Congratulations! I'm very happy for you.


Congratulations Bill!


Congratulations on the tenure vote!

I am not sure we should generalize much from your case when it comes to blogging. First, you blogged almost exclusively on areas related to your scholarly interests and skills. Second, your blog postings revealed you to be intelligent and interesting, which distinguishes you from the vast majority of legal academics who blog. Third, you avoided antagonizing your academic colleagues with either your intellectual or politcial views (how you resisted, I don't know, but it was wise!). So the moral I draw from your case is: if you're smart and you can communicate your research and expertise on a blog, and this research and expertise will be interesting to other legal scholars, then blogging will help you greatly.

I also don't think Drezner is much of a cautionary tale. Drezner, I gather, did indeed blog about his areas of research and expertise, and what it revealed was that he was not very intelligent or interesting. I strongly suspect that's the main explanation for his tenure fortunes, though it has obviously not prevented him from finding an attractive place in the academy. But it wasn't his blog that took him down; I suspect it was the merits.

John Steele

Congrats, Bill, and congrats to UI Law.

If I recall correctly, one of your posts received praise from Loyola 2L and you said that, perhaps, L2L's praise might find its way into your tenure file. But I suppose that's not what swung the difference!

Kidding aside, it's well deserved.

Jim Chen

Congratulations, Bill! This is a very richly deserved honor.

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