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16 October 2008


valtrex online

hello friend excellent post about Understanding the Financial Crisis thanks for sharing!!

bedroom furniture

Each of us is responsible for what we are doing now. Imperfect human are just doing trial and error on how they can give a successful righteous rulership in this world, they are making many changes. They try to find a good leader to rule them just like what we can see; the American people have appointed a new leader. The people have chosen “change” by electing Barack Obama for the next President of the United States. Whether the United States changes for the better or for the worse, there is no doubt that change is in store for our country.

scooter verzekeringen

The data presented in this report is interesting and useful,Thanks.

Lisa P

After Barack Obama wins presidential election all those people who really like him are very happy full of joy and hope but the truth is, we cannot expect certainty to imperfect humans for an overall good leadership in this crazy world There is a saying that “a man cannot direct the path of his own”, how much more for the sake of other people. All we need is to prove ourselves faithful to the Highest Authority, which has the power to remove the present government system. Each of us is responsible for what we are doing now. Imperfect human are just doing trial and error on how they can give a successful righteous rulership in this world, they are making many changes. They try to find a good leader to rule them just like what we can see; the American people have appointed a new leader. The people have chosen “change” by electing Barack Obama for the next President of the United States. Whether the United States changes for the better or for the worse, there is no doubt that change is in store for our country. It’s clear that Americans believe Obama will bring a positive change to our country. We’ve heard many of the promises he has made to the U.S. from lowering taxes for the middle class to putting a timeline on the war in Iraq and trimming the federal budget “line by line.” However, Obama also supports the elimination of the payday loan industry. He believes that eradicating the payday loan industry will protect low-income and families in general from falling victims to predatory lenders. On higher ground, it will be a violation to our financial freedom if the option to utilize affordable payday loans is wiped out. Threatening our rights to financial freedom is not a great start to creating positive change.

Read more on this topic:http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog/2008/11/06/obama-to-bring-change-how-will-payday-loans-change/

biglaw partner

I think this is almost totally wrong, like describing measles as caused by high fever and red spots on the skin. Europe has just as much of a financial crisis as the United States, notwithstanding that the single family mortgage market and the securitization market are totally different there (to the extent they exist at all).

What has happened is a global repricing of risk. Credit spreads had been narrowing for five to ten years, and capital flooded the global financial system. Suddenly, that trend reversed. In the past few years, one sector after another has been buffeted as, in each case, a minor tremor provoked violent capital flight. Subprime mortgages, CMBS, CP, developing country loans, etc., have all been hit.

Jennifer Martin


Both of the American Life programs are really good. News Hour has a couple of helpful programs as well. Explaining the basics is really tough to do in a short soundbite. My post on Explaing the Financial Crisis to Students takes a stab at it: http://ucclaw.blogspot.com/2008/10/explaining-financial-crisis-to-students.html. The trouble with the valuations of the underlying homes surely was part of it. Greenspan mentioned the other day that there really wasn't incentive for companies bundling the mortgage backed securities to make proper valuations because they did not retain any ownership. Perhaps partial retention will be a new rule of the road?

Payday Loan Advocate

America’s collective brow is furrowed over the current economic crisis that careless mortgage lending has brought on. But did you know that Americans are not the only people who are impacted on a daily basis by plummeting dollars and good sense? The International Herald Tribune shows us that the worldwide credit crunch is very real in Europe, too. Small businesses like Dominique Boudier’s printing company, outside of Paris, depend upon credit with its suppliers in order to function, and her creditors are cutting back their offerings by half. This is by mandate of the suppliers’ credit insurance companies. Considering a typical 60-day lag time in which clients pay, Boudier’s business needs added cash flow to make up for this major shortfall. As her own bank’s hands are tied, she fears the worst. Her bank, like many others across Europe, began to put their money to sleep with the European Central Bank instead of investing it back into other banks and the economy as a whole. When banks began to fail and liquidity was disrupted, credit began to dry up. Much like America’s Federal Reserve Bank, the European Central Bank uses a mechanism based on the ability to create as much fiat money as required. Fiat-money currency, which is effectively credit money, loses value once government refuses to further guarantee its value. During this world credit crunch, we see this in high inflation rates. Many believe stronger private banking systems that make responsible decisions can solve this problem. Until that happens, payday advance loans will inevitably be easier to come by for consumers who need immediate short-term help and cannot wait on a faltering central banking system.

Post Courtesy of Personal Money Store
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Maggie Knowles

"The larger tragedy here is not the loss of money; it is the loss of trust by ordinary people in basic financial and commercial institutions."
And the loss of trust of all the foreign investors too. Investors rely on agencies like Fitch, Moody's, and S&P to determine investment risk. I heard a panel of men from the credit rating agencies testify at the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing this morning on CSPAN. They were using the words "fraud", "criminal", "extortion", and "racket". I imagine that foreign investors feel like the U.S. conned them out of their money, and that they are pretty pissed off about it (I am.)

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