[From our good friend Ben Barton:]
Greetings. This summer at SEALS (The Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference) we are having an all day "how to" session on empirical legal studies on Friday, August 7th. As part of that day we are planning an hour and a half session for small groups of panelists and presenters to meet to workshop new empirical research projects. We are asking potential presenters to send in either a draft of a paper or a 4 page prospectus explaining their idea, so that the drafts/proposals can be selected and circulated ahead of time to a discussion group. We will be favoring work that is still in a formative stage (i.e. not accepted for publication). The workshop's emphasis will be on offering specific suggestions and constructive criticism. Selected papers will be grouped for presentation by subject area.
The current list of presenters who will be participating in the workshop as readers and commentators is quite impressive, including Professor Kenneth Dau-Schmidt, Indiana University School of Law - Bloomington; Professor Thomas Eaton, University of Georgia School of Law; Professor Theodore Eisenberg, Cornell Law School; Professor Michelle Harner, University of Nebraska College of Law; Professor Minna Kotkin, Brooklyn Law School; Professor Colleen Medill, University of Nebraska College of Law; Professor David Mitchell, University of Missouri School of Law; Professor Lori Ringhand, University of Georgia School of Law; Joshua D. Wright, George Mason University; Professor Jeffrey Yates, University of Georgia, Department of Political Science; and Professor Ben Barton, The University of Tennessee College of Law.
If you are interested in participating, please send your submission to both Lori Ringhand ([email protected]) and Ben Barton ([email protected]) by June 15th. Authors whose papers are selected will be notified by July 5. You are welcome to submit a paper even if you are not currently registered to attend the SEALS conference, but authors whose papers are selected for presentation will be expected to attend. The SEALS Conference is held every year at a lovely beachfront location. This year it is being held at the Ritz Carlton Palm Beach. Registration and additional information about the conference can be found at: http://sealslawschools.org/.