Having just returned from another wildly successful CELS, I am delighted to pass along information from Joe Doherty (UCLA) about the 2nd Annual Western Empirical Legal Studies (WELS) Conference at UCLA. Insofar as WELS is consciously pitched to "law and graduate students," I believe it fills an important need and presents a wonderful opportunity for interested students. (Please note the 12.7.2012 proposal deadline.)
Call for Papers: 2nd Annual Western Empirical Legal Studies
(WELS) Conference at UCLA
Proposal Deadline: December 7, 2012.
The UCLA School of Law Empirical Legal Scholars Association
(ELSA) is proud to announce the 2nd Annual Western Empirical Legal Studies
Conference, to be held at UCLA on March 2, 2013.
WELS is a conference for law and graduate students that
provides a unique opportunity for emerging ELS scholars to present their work
in front of an audience of peers. The inaugural conference attracted
participants from Europe and from seven universities and law schools across the
U.S. If you are a professor who has students who might be interested in WELS,
please pass this along.
For more information and instructions on submitting an abstract visit
conference website or contact the ELSA staff at:
[email protected].
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