I am delighted once again to pass along information from Joe Doherty (UCLA) about the 4th Annual Western Empirical Legal Studies (WELS) Conference at UCLA on March 7, 2015. Insofar as WELS is consciously pitched to "law and graduate students," (emphasis added) it fills an important need and presents a wonderful opportunity for interested students. Click here for more information. (Please note the 12.22.2014 proposal deadline.)
Call for Papers: 4th Annual Western Empirical Legal Studies (WELS) Conference at UCLA School of Law
Proposal Deadline: December 22, 2014.
The UCLA School of Law's Empirical Legal Scholars Association (ELSA) is proud to announce the 4th Annual Western Empirical Legal Studies Conference, on March 7, 2015, at the UCLA School of Law.
This is a conference for students (Masters, PhD, and JD) who are conducting empirical research on law, legal actors, and legal institutions (judicial behavior, access to justice, bankruptcy, crime, etc.). It provides a unique forum for junior scholars to present original research and to receive focused feedback from students and law school faculty engaged in similar projects. The first three conferences attracted participants from over a dozen campuses across the U.S.A. and Europe.