A colleague at UVa passed along the following call for papers (below) for the benefit of empirical environmental law scholars. (On a related aside, I'm beginning to detect a faint increase in the number of traditional student-edited law reviews moving in a direction that more closely resembles peer-reviewed journals.)
VELJ Empirical Issue Submissions
The Virginia Environmental Law Journal (VELJ) is calling for empirical articles, which will be published in its first annual empirical legal scholarship issue in Spring 2019. We are looking for pieces that discuss environmental law topics by utilizing quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.
The submission process begins June 15 and concludes September 15, 2018. Publication decisions will be released no later than December 1, 2018. The submission process is exclusive, such that authors who submit to VELJ may not submit to other publications until receiving a decision from the VELJ Editorial Board. If an offer is extended, the author must accept (i.e. the offer is binding).
The articles will be reviewed by a double-blind peer review process. Please submit a cover letter (or similar email), the article (in a .doc or .docx format), a CV, and any supporting materials (detailed below) to: [email protected]
Length and Formatting
- VELJ strongly prefers articles ranging from 10,000 to 15,000 words (footnotes included).
- Manuscript should be double-spaced, utilize footnotes, and conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (19th ed. 2010).
Supporting Materials
- Abrief explanation of the study design, methodology, and/or analysis of the empirical work underlying the article.
- Substantiating data sets and/or supporting material are welcome at the time of submission, but not required. If VELJ subsequently requests any archival of data sets and necessary supporting materials, the author will be expected to permit this.
Those desiring additional information click here; those with any concerns regarding restraints imposed by an institutional review board please email your concerns to: [email protected]
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