Prompted partly by an earlier post (here) remarking on how the COVID-19 crisis "and the near-universal (and simultaneous) reaction of U.S. law schools to turn to on-line instruction may provide quasi-experimental research design opportunities," two loyal ElsBlog readers, John Bliss (Denver) and David Sandomierski (Western Ontario), who are launching a research project relating to law school grading policy changes, asked that I share the following survey research request, which I am happy to do:
"We write to ask for your help filling out a brief, anonymous research survey. Many law schools have recently changed their grading schemes in response to COVID-19, suspending their normal grading system in favor of pass/fail or honors/pass/fail systems. Our survey asks what considerations went into your choice of grading scheme and how you expect this change to impact your students.
The survey is anonymous and will be reported anonymously. You may complete the survey by clicking on this link:
We thank you for considering this and look forward to sharing the results!
Many thanks,"
Professor John Bliss (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Professor David Sandomierski (University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law)