With the shared hope that some semblance of "healthy normalcy" will return to all sometime soon, I pass along the following Call For Papers.
The Tel Aviv University Buchmann Faculty of Law is pleased to invite submissions to its sixth junior legal scholar workshop. The workshop provides junior scholars with the opportunity to present and discuss their work, receive meaningful feedback from faculty members and peers, and actively participate in an international community of junior legal scholars.
"The upcoming 2021 TAU workshop for junior scholars in law, which will be held in Tel-Aviv University Law School on November 14-16, 2021, will be dedicated to 'Legal Change in Revolutionary Times.' We are seeking cutting-edge works in progress, in varied legal fields and written from a variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives, that investigate the role of law in revolutionary times, and we welcome works that broadly relate to the core themes of the workshop."
Conference organizers expressly welcomes proposals from: "doctoral candidates, and recent graduates of doctoral programs submissions. Participants from the global South and under-represented communities are particularly encouraged to apply." Paper proposals are due to conference organizers by June 1, 2021. More conference specific information can be found (here); those wishing to contact conference organizers directly can send an email to: [email protected]
Finally, conference organizers have adopted an "optimistic" assumption and, at present, anticipate a traditional, "in-person" conference. They also note, however, that if "Covid-19 is till ruling our lives by November 2021," the conference workshop format will transform into a "hybrid-virtual."