While Stata--to my mind, anyway--still has not "fixed" the "unnecessary" degree of complexity in its graphics capabilities, it's nice to see it attend to the critical and often-challenging "results-to-table" migration task in v.17. While some may simply "hand-transcribe" results from the computer screen onto a table created for or embedded into Word documents, the more adventurous likely play with various "outreg" and related commands (e.g., "outreg2"). Stata has recently turned its attention to an alternative (or complementary) approach with updated commands that facilitate users "customizing" table presentations derived from various results. Unlike most efforts thus far, coding for this approach is "native" to Stata. Again, while I'm not entirely sure whether Stata has, once again, made the process unduly complicated, for anyone interested an introductory (and explanatory) video is here.