In an intriguing paper, Judging Without a J.D., the authors, Sara Greene (Duke) and Kristen Renberg (Duke), emphasize an underappreciated point: In a surprising number of states lower-level state court judges do not possess the J.D. degree. Now, to be sure, even at the federal level, the J.D. degree is not required for an Art. III commission. That said, insofar as virtually every (if not every) Art.III judge today possesses a J.D. the necessary variation does not exist to support useful comparative studies.
Research not possible in the federal judicial space, however, is possible in the state judicial space. And this paper does a good job at identifying a potentially rich vein of future research possibilities. Implications from this paper's brief case study of North Carolina magistrates (where more than 80 percent do not possess the J.D. degree) hint at possible distributional concerns. And these concerns may be especially acute where non-JD magistrates intersect with pro se litigants (itself a growing trend). The paper's abstract follows.
"One of the most basic assumptions of our legal system is that when two parties face off in court, the case will be adjudicated before a judge who is trained in the law. This Essay begins by showing that empirically, the assumption that most judges have legal training does not hold true for many low-level state courts. Using data we compiled from all fifty states and the District of Columbia, we find that thirty-three states allow at least some low-level state court judges to adjudicate without a law degree, and in seventeen states, judges who adjudicate eviction cases are not required to have law degrees. Since most poor litigants are unrepresented in civil legal cases, this sets up an almost Kafkaesque scene in courtrooms across the country: Legal cases that have a profound effect on poor families, such as whether they will lose their home to eviction, are argued either in courtrooms where no one knows the law or only one party---the lawyer for the more powerful party---knows the law.
Considering data collected from a case study of North Carolina, where over 80% of magistrates do not have J.D.s, this Essay argues that allowing a system of nonlawyer judges perpetuates long-standing inequalities in our courts. It further argues that the phenomenon of lay judges is a symptom of a much larger problem in our justice system: the devaluation of the legal problems of the poor, who are disproportionately Black and Latine. This devaluation stems in part from an enduring cultural history in the United States of blaming the poor for their poverty and the associated problems of poverty. A change is in order, one that intentionally considers the expertise of judges and adopts creative solutions to incentivize specially qualified adjudicators to serve as low-level state court judges."