A not infrequent, though diminishing, canard is that "too many" empirical legal studies papers are "atheoretical." While the claim itself is an empirical one (and one that I side-step), a larger, broader point endures. Specifically, the best of ELS is certainly informed by well-developed theory. In a recent paper, The Role of Theory in Empirical Legal Studies, Tonja Jacobi (Emory) makes this case in a brief and widely accessible paper. While perhaps targeted to "early career" ELS scholars and non-technical consumers of empirical research, the paper helpfully reminds all of theory's essential role in empirical legal studies. The paper's abstract follows.
"The growing field of empirical legal studies is not an alternative to theory: within every empirical inquiry is an implicit formal theoretical model. Further, good empirical tests should be inspired by substantive theories of the phenomena being analyzed. This essay explains how theory is built into all empirical testing and illustrates why empirical tests are best informed by well-developed theories. It uses examples of empirical studies of both US Supreme Court and Australian High Court oral argument to illustrate how these issues apply to the central issues at the intersection of empirical legal studies and constitutional law: the role of judicial ideology and strategy, and predicting judicial behavior. The essay explores common errors in both conducting and consuming empirical work, and presents some solutions, including both methodological fixes and how to draw on substantive expertise. It aims to help the non-technical reader understand when counterintuitive results should be queried and when, in contrast, resistance is more reflective of priors of the reader rather than potential weaknesses of the work. And it acts as a reminder to technical readers and empirical practitioners that theory is built into every empirical test, and so must be taken seriously."