Co-organized by Bernie Black (Northwestern) and Scott Cunningham (Baylor—econ), the 12th annual workshop on Research Design for Causal Inference will be held at Northwestern Law School in Chicago, IL.
Main Workshop: Monday – Friday, August 7-11, 2023; Advanced Workshop: Monday – Thursday (midday), August 14-17, 2023; and Optional Machine Learning Primer: Sunday afternoon, August 13, 2023.
Main Workshop Topics/Faculty: Introduction to Modern Methods for Causal Inference: Donald B. Rubin (Harvard Univ.), Matching and Reweighting Designs and Difference-in-Differences: Jens Hainmueller (Stanford Univ.), Regression Discontinuity: Matias Cattaneo (Princeton Univ.), and Instrumental variables: Rocio Titiunik (Princeton Univ.).
Advanced Workshop Topics/Faculty: Applications of machine learning to causal inference: Christian Hansen (Univ. Chicago), Advanced matching and balancing methods: Jeffrey Wooldridge (Michigan State Univ.), Advanced panel data methods: Yiqing Xu (Stanford Univ.), and Empirical Bayes Methods: Christopher Walters (UC Berkeley).
In person-registration is limited to 125 participants for each workshop. There will also be a Zoom option, but please come in person if you can. The online experience is not the same.
For further information and registration: (click here)