If evidence of empirical legal studies’ growth was not already obvious enough in the peer-reviewed journal world, traditional student-edited law reviews also evidence a turn toward ELS as well. And no more so than perhaps the Northwestern University Law Review which is pleased to announce its 7th annual issue dedicated to empirical legal scholarship, to be published in March 2025. According to the student editors, they seek "to bring cutting-edge, interdisciplinary, empirical work to our legal audience, and enrich our understanding of the law, legal actors, and legal doctrine through robust and reliable examination of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method data." To access to past NULR empirical issues click here.
The exclusive submission window for the Volume 119 Empirical Issue of the Northwestern University Law Review will open on March 18, 2024, and run until April 30, 2024. A subset of submissions will be selected to move forward to peer review. The Law Review will make every effort to notify authors of rejection or of advancement to peer review by mid-July 2024. Final publication decisions will be issued by mid-August 2024, with the publication date set in March 2025.
Submissions must be between 15,000 and 30,000, and conform generally to the style and formatting expectations that are common to law reviews. For more information, please visit our website: Empirical Issue - Northwestern University Law Review (northwesternlawreview.org) or reach out to Alisher Juzgenbayev, Senior Empirical Editor for the Northwestern University Law Review at [email protected].