Thanks to Zoe Robinson (ANU) and Patrick Leslie (ANU), a database of all cases decided by the High Court of Australia between 1995 and 2020, is now publicly-accessible (click here). The database was consciously designed to supply data on cases heard by the High Court of Australia as well as the justices that hear the cases and facilitate empirical analyses.
To this end, the database contains "over 315 variables for every case argued before a panel of at least two justices on the Australian High Court between 1995 and 2020, as well as variables on key identity information about the justices hearing the cases. Examples include justice votes, justice coalitions, legal issues in the case, the parties to the case, justices who granted special leave to appeal, justice gender, and justice ideology, amongst many others." Those intrigued might want to skim the dataset's codebook to get a more granular feel for what's included in the data.
Finally, and notably, the researchers strategically constructed the High Court database with an eye towards facilitating comparative work with the U.S. Supreme Court database in terms of variable categorization and naming.