Even basic research questions on Art.III courts and federal litigation typically confront consequential barriers to needed data (e.g., federal court records). While the federal government's PACER platform and a few third-party operations provide some relief, both possess their own respective shortcomings and limitations (including, but not limited to, cost).
Initial fruits of a new collaborative effort based at Northwestern University, SCALES, have emerged recently. SCALES is an online platform that seeks to "assemble federal court records, systematically organize them and extract key information, and—most importantly—make them freely available to the public." What exists now includes access to information and records for all federal cases initiated in 2016 and 2017. As SCALES' mission includes "to make court records freely accessible to the public," the platform aspires to, in the future, expand coverage to include "all years."
In a recent paper, The SCALES Project: Making Federal Court Records Free, the authors, David Schwartz (Northwestern) et al., explain the SCALES initiative in greater detail. As well, the project also benefits from its own website (click here).